Increase Your Business Profits and Your Income

Profit Accelerator

Business Breakeven Goal and Activity Calculator

Welcome to the BGA- Calculator.  Knowing your Breakeven (or status quo) in your business, that is achieving the same result as the previous year (provided you did not make a loss), or at the very least, knowing what revenue (turnover) you must achieve to stay in business, is your baseline, less than the baseline means you are going backward.

Business Planning is crucial for business success, but in order to develop a plan you must first know your ‘Numbers’, by numbers we mean the Turnover and Activity required to achieve your goals. The term Activity relate to Sales, and the various functions which result in a sale such as Lead, Quotes submitted etc.

You also need to know the Gross Profit you must achieve to ensure you can pay the companies bills and achieve your financial goals. Plus, you need to know how many sales and the sales opportunities you require to make the required sales. And it is from here you can develop a workable plan to achieve your goals.

The goals should include both Income and Business Improvement goals, that is increasing key business drivers, which we call Turnover Drivers.

Why Profit Accelerator?

If you are serious about business growth, then the BGA-Calculator is a must for you
and your business.

Profit Accelerator is a low cost business planning tool that will help to propel you to more Sales, Profits and Cash!

Why are you in business?

Apart from being the master of your own destiny, there are 2 primary reasons why people go into business;


To make money.


To develop a valuable asset that one day they will sell.

There are many key functions to business success, the very first function and the most important is developing a practical business strategy to achieve your financial goals for the next 12 months.

Yet, so many people who go into business fail, or simply struggle from month to month, and in so many cases their employees enjoy a greater lifestyle than they do.  The question is why?

The answer is simple – Business owners do not plan to fail, they just fail to plan.

Business Growth Strategy

Developing a business growth strategy is difficult for many business owners, there are many factors that need to be considered, from knowing the turnover required to achieve your financial goals to the activity required to achieve the desired goals and targets.

Business Planning Made Easy!

Profit Accelerator has made it easy, it is a tool that has been refined over many years, just answer some questions, and you are on your way. For more information go to BGACalculator

Your Business Planning Tool!

Profit Accelerator has provided you with a tool to handle the hardest and most difficult part of business planning, which is setting goals to increase your personal income and business profit.  Establishing goals to increase turnover drivers, and know what activity is required to achieve your business goals.

Don’t Delay

Get Started Today!

If you are serious about business growth, then the BGA- Calculator is a must for you and your business.Â